Where am I in
the Aging Process?


Navigate Your Aging Process

There is no shame in aging – it’s a natural process! Since explorer Ponce De Leon went searching for the Fountain of Youth, scientists and laymen alike have been looking for a cure for aging. To date, no one has found it. No matter what they tell you.

What we do know, however, are the signs that appear and what we see in the mirror. Find your signs of aging below!

What Causes Aging?

Although why aging happens is not fully understood, there are several factors that influences how our bodies age throughout the years.


DNA is the molecule inside our cells that contains the genetic information about how we develop. You get Mom’s eyes. Dad’s height. Your grandmother’s arthritis.

If you want a glimpse as to how you might look when you are older, take a look at Mom and Dad and the rest of your immediate family. Genetics hold a lot of clues, but they don’t have the last say in aging. Lifestyle choices and extrinsic factors might even play a bigger role than our genetics.



Have you heard of gravitational folds?

These are wrinkles caused by gravity pulling downward on the skin. Combine gravity with the body’s gradual decline in collagen and elastin production that begins at age 20 (yes you are reading this right) and you have the unavoidable formation of wrinkles.

We can’t stop gravity and we can’t stop the body’s natural life cycle no matter how much we stand on our head and drink collagen supplements.

Environment & Sun

Environmental factors like air pollution and toxins affect our aging process. By far the greatest ager is sun exposure. Some reports indicate that up to 90% of aging is caused by sun exposure!

Yikes. The good news is there is a lot you can do to prevent sun damage. First and foremost, wear sunscreen. Everyday. Even when it rains! When it comes to sunscreen it’s essential that you purchase one with a physical block. Make sure your sunscreen contains either zinc or titanium.



More than 50 hormones regulate the human body, governing functions from digestion to reproduction to the thickness of our skin. Estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone have the most significant impact on the integrity of the skin.

Estrogen stimulates collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid. Progesterone stimulates the production of sebum and oil for hydration. Testosterone regulates thickness and firmness. As we age and hormone production declines, so does the quality of our skin. Once a woman reaches menopause and a man andropause, the signs of aging become noticeable and for some undesired.



When it comes to sleep there is quantity and quality of sleep. Experts recommend a minimum of seven hours of sleep for adults. This has a lot to do with brain chemistry and ridding the brain of harmful toxins that not only age us but can cause disease. The second consideration is the quality of sleep. So many people toss and turn most of the night, interrupting the sleep cycle.

Tips for getting a good night’s sleep include:

  • Limiting or eliminating alcohol
  • Stopping eating two to three hours before bedtime
  • Get plenty of physical activity during the day
  • Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day
  • Eliminating computers, televisions, and phones from the bedroom

Lifestyle Choices

This includes a melting pot of factors like nutrition, exercise, alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, recreational drugs, prescription drugs, stress, body weight, and BMI. It even includes esoteric factors like negative thoughts.

Here’s a simple anti-aging treatment you can start this very moment, and it’s free – be grateful. Gratitude decreases heart rate, calms the mind, and lightens the mood.

Find Your Signs of Aging. Neogen Lift Orange County CA

When Do the Signs
of Aging Appear?

There is no magic number that suggests when the face starts to age, but over time the skin begins to change, and the first signs of aging appear. For most people, this is in their mid-thirties.

Skin can look older or younger than it’s years. People who had a lot of sun exposure, drink alcohol, eat poorly, or have stressful lives can begin to see signs of aging as early as their late twenties.

Discover Which Stage of Aging You’re At

To learn your skin’s age, take a selfie in direct light. Resist the urge to add a filter. Blow up the picture and the signs of aging will begin to give away your skin’s age.

Signs of Aging in Your 20’s – 30’s

Minimal signs of aging can be seen, but you may notice dullness, fine lines, or spots, especially if you spend much of your time in the sun.

Here are some signs to look out for:

Fine lines
Thinning Lips
Sun Damage


Signs of Skin Aging in Your 30′s – 40’s

At this stage, the first signs of aging become more prominent, with fine lines progressing to deeper wrinkles, and noticeable volume loss occurring.

Here are some signs to look out for:

Crow’s Feet | Smile lines | Enlarged Pores
Hollowing Under-eyes | Fine Lines & Wrinkles  Eyelid Laxity


Signs of Skin Aging in Your 40’s – 50’s

Progressive aging begins to affect the structure of your face with a combination of volume loss, skin sagging, and loss of facial definition beginning to occur.

Here are some signs to look out for:

Flattening Cheeks | Jowls and Laxity | Sagging neck | Under-eye sagging | Deep Lines | Heavy Upper Lids


Signs of Skin Aging in Your 50’s – 70’s

Volume and structure in the face continue to diminish due to bone loss paired with volume loss in the soft tissue. Sagging also becomes more pronounced.

Here are some signs to look out for:
Wide eye sockets | Deep folds | Drooping Nose Heavy Jowls | Pronounced sagging | Deeper lines Rougher Skin texture | Uneven pigment



Treatment Protocols By Age

Our treatment packages are tailored to each stage of aging, delivering the most suitable solution for your unique needs.


Treatment Protocol:


NeoGen Lite Lift, performed 1-2 times per year depending on the state of your skin and desired improvement.

This plan provides immediate rejuvenation, improving the first signs of aging and preventing further aging in the early to late 20s.

Recommended for patients with:

  • Fine lines
  • Uneven Skin Tone
  • Texture from acne & sun damage
  • Volume Loss
  • Active Acne

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Treatment Protocol:


One treatment of our signature NeoGen Lift procedure or three NeoGen Lite Lift treatments 3-4 weeks apart.

At this stage, most will have become bothered by changes in appearance and may feel they look tired, even when rested. This protocol delivers deep rejuvenation with preventive benefits. Your provider will determine which option best aligns with your desired recovery timeline and desired improvement.

Recommended for patients with:

  • Fine lines
  • Sun damage
  • Active acne
  • Large Pores
  • Mild to moderate skin laxity

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50 sisties

Treatment Protocol:


One treatment of NeoGen Lift Plus with NeoGen Lite Lift following 3 months after, or four NeoGen Lite Lift treatments spaced 3-4 weeks apart.

It’s important to remember it took 50 years to reach this stage of aging and we are aiming to improve the signs of aging – not turn back time. Perfect for restoring the skin’s quality with your choice recovery timeline of choice.

Recommended for patients with:

  • Deep crow’s feet
  • Heavy upper and lower eyelids
  • Deep forehead lines
  • Sagging mid face
  • Heavy nasal labial folds
  • Overall volume loss
  • Sagging in neck and jowls
  • Thin skin
  • Lines in upper lip and chin area
  • Overall skin texture

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Treatment Protocol:


Two treatments of NeoGen Lift 4-6 months apart, or eight NeoGen Lite Lift treatments done every 3-4 weeks.

With hormone changes, skin thinning, and volume loss, the signs of aging are apparent at this stage. This course of treatment ensures visible improvement in progressive signs of aging and longevity of results.

 Recommended for patients with:

  • Deep crow’s feet
  • Heavy upper and lower eyelids
  • Deep forehead lines
  • Sagging mid face
  • Heavy nasal labial folds
  • Overall volume loss
  • Sagging in neck and jowls
  • Lines in upper lip and chin area
  • Overall skin texture

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NeoGen Lift offers an affordability option of monthly interest free payment plans. Contact us to learn more today.

Beauty is a Lifestyle and
We’ll Take You There

We’re not just in the business of making you look younger – we’re here to keep you looking gorgeous for years to come.

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